👨‍💻 About me

I am a Data Analyst and Researcher working on a project for CNPq, studying the expansion of dengue in the Brazilian Legal Amazon region to identify spatiotemporal patterns. Previously, I worked as an analyst of ethanol market for the intelligence sector of Ipiranga. I use Python and R to discover insights in datasets, study their behavior, build predictive models with Machine Learning and employ econometric techniques to make business decisions.

Academic Qualifications

💻 Experiences

Professional Experience

  • Data Analyst and Researcher: CNPq Industrial Technological Development Fellow - Level B, working on research projects related to the expansion of dengue fever in the Brazilian Legal Amazon, identifying spatio-temporal patterns. The work is under development and can be followed through the Github repository.
  • Market Analyst: Analyzed the ethanol market for the intelligence sector at Ipiranga, identifying patterns, trends, and contributing to the company's strategic decision-making.

Data Science Projects

  • 10+ completed Data Science projects, including Regression, Classification, and Clustering.
  • Projects developed with a focus on solving business problems, following the CRISP-DM methodology.
  • Projects involving Exploratory Data Analysis, aimed at identifying patterns through descriptive statistics and regression.

Programming Language Experience

  • 4+ years of experience in Python, using it for data analysis and developing Machine Learning models, with knowledge of libraries such as Pandas, Scikit-learn, Statsmodels, and Matplotlib.
  • 5+ years of experience in R, developing academic works in R and R Markdown, with a focus on time series econometrics and spatial econometrics.

BI Experience

  • Proficient in Power BI for creating dashboards and interactive visualizations.

📞 Contact

Feel free to get in touch with me: